Monday, March 11, 2013

Preventing Microcystis Blooms

Several measures can be taken to prevent microcystis blooms. As noted in a previous post, blooms occur in waters with enhanced and added nutrients. Efforts to reduce the infiltration of nutrient run off from farms and agricultural are a great start to reducing the chances and severity of blooms. Fertilizers from agricultural areas can increase the likelihood of algal blooms due to their high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen. For homeowners living near water sources, this can also mean simply watering lawns carefully and preventing runoff from nearby waters.

Water agencies that control places like dams can help prevent blooms by periodically flushing water through to promote the mixing of layers, as blooms typically bloom in stagnant waters that have not been mixed for long periods of time. Many states have also begun to monitor algae density and distribution in order to better understand environmental factors that lead to their presence and to create preventative strategies to limit their spread.

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